#This is a configuration file. This file shall contain all variables used in your source code #The format is key=value per line, with key the name of the variable and value its value (e.g. path, constant,input, output, string, etc) #To use your variables inside your python source code, please use the following lines of code and adapt PROJECT_NAME with the name of your project : # from properties.p import Property # ## get properties in dictionnary # prop=Property() # prop_dict=prop.load_property_files('/projects/PROJECT_NAME/Configuration/configuration.properties') # #To get your value then use : prop_dict['key'] in your code #Example used in the script sampleExample.py foo = I am awesome bar = ${chocolate}-bar chocolate = fudge var1 = 755 var2 = 1945 long = a very long property that is described in the property file which takes up \ multiple lines can be defined by the escape character as it is done here url=example.com/api?auth_token=xyz #Example of key=value inputdir=/projects/datatests/IN inputfile=tropisar_101_SLC_HH.tiff xmlfile=tropisar_param.xml pi=3.141592653589793