''' Created on 21 MAY. 2019 @author: TKOSSOKO ''' import os import logging import requests #sudo pip install requests import json import sys import shutil #used to move a file from pathlib import Path from properties.p import Property from typing import Iterable logging.basicConfig(filename='ShareData.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # We get the url of the service we want to call url_root = os.environ['BMAP_BACKEND_URL'] # get the metadata of a data and call the api def ingestPrivateData(propertiesPath): input_file = propertiesPath print('1- We start the ingestion process') print('2- The content of the file '+ input_file + ' is read') allVariableAreFilled = True; if Path(input_file).is_file(): # load properties file data_criteria = Property().load_property_files(input_file) # add the criteria from the properties file to the dictionary criteria_list = {} try : user_id = data_criteria['user_id'] if len(user_id) > 0: criteria_list['userId'] = user_id print(' 2.1- The user id is '+ user_id) else: allVariableAreFilled = False; print(' 2.1- The user is mandatory') except: pass try : data_path = data_criteria['data_path'] if len(data_path) > 0: criteria_list['dataPath'] = data_path print(' 2.2- The data path is '+ data_path) else: allVariableAreFilled = False; print(' 2.2- The data path is mandatory') except: pass try : product_type = data_criteria['product_type'] if len(product_type) > 0: criteria_list['dataFormat'] = product_type print(' 2.3- The product type is '+ product_type) else: allVariableAreFilled = False; print(' 2.3- The product type is mandatory') except: pass # location = data_criteria['location'] try : polarization = data_criteria['polarization'] if len(polarization) > 0: criteria_list['polarization'] = polarization print(' 2.4- The polarization is '+ polarization) else: criteria_list['polarization'] = None ''' allVariableAreFilled = False; print(' 2.4- The polarization is mandatory') ''' except: pass try : sub_region_name = data_criteria['sub_region_name'] if len(sub_region_name) > 0: criteria_list['subregionName'] = sub_region_name print(' 2.5- The sub region is '+ sub_region_name) else: ''' allVariableAreFilled = False; print(' 2.5- The sub region is mandatory') ''' criteria_list['subregionName'] = None except: pass ''' try : collection_name = data_criteria['collection_name'] if len(collection_name) > 0: criteria_list['collectionName'] = collection_name print(' 2.4- The collection is '+ collection_name) else: allVariableAreFilled = False; print(' 2.4- The collection is mandatory') except: pass ''' else: print('ERROR: The file "' + input_file + '" does not exist.') logging.error('The file "' + input_file + '" does not exist.') if(allVariableAreFilled): print("All variables in sharedata.properties are filled. We start the process") ##We move the data in the /data/private using the user id print("3- Starting the copy of the file to a temp folder") folder_destination="/app/User_data/" folder_destination = createIfnotExistFolder(folder_destination, criteria_list['userId']) if(criteria_list['dataFormat'])== 'ROI' : print("3.1- File format detected is ROI. We need 4 files : dbf, shp, shx, prj") listeOfRoi = isROIfileExistAll(data_path) if(len(listeOfRoi)>0): #We move the 4 ROI files for i in range(len(listeOfRoi)): filePath = listeOfRoi[i] shutil.copy(filePath, folder_destination) print("4- Files correctly copied") else: print("4-we cannot ingest this ROI files. Some files are missing") exit() else : shutil.copy(data_path, folder_destination) print("4- File correctly copied") ######We call the back end service to start the ingestion ingestTheData(criteria_list, folder_destination+"/"+os.path.basename(criteria_list['dataPath'])) else: print("Not all mandatory fields are filled.") #########Function to call the back end and check the id of the user def createIfnotExistFolder(directory, user_id): response = sendARequest(url_root+"bmapuser/"+user_id) if len(response) > 0: bmaap_user = json.loads(response) id = bmaap_user["BmaapUser"]["id"] pathToTempData = directory+str(id) if not os.path.exists(pathToTempData): os.makedirs(pathToTempData) return pathToTempData else: print("The user is unknown. We stop the process") #########Function to send a request to the back end def sendARequest(url) : try: response = requests.get(url) json_str = response.text # if the response body contains something if len(json_str) > 0: return json_str else: return "" except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('ERROR: ' + str(e)) logging.error(str(e)) ######################################################################### def ingestTheData(criteria_list, destination): print('5- Your metadata are : ' + str(criteria_list)) print('destination') url = url_root + "catalogue/granule/private/add?dataPath=" + destination + "&dataFormat=" + criteria_list['dataFormat'] + "&userId=" + str(criteria_list['userId']) print(url) if criteria_list['subregionName'] url = url+ "&subregionName=" + criteria_list['subregionName'] if criteria_list['polarization'] url = url+ "&polarization=" + criteria_list['polarization'] print(url) #"&subregionName=" + criteria_list['subregionName'] + #+ "&polarization=" +criteria_list['polarization'] response = requests.get(url) json_str = response.text code = response.status_code if (code == 200): print("File correctly ingested") else: print(json_str) ###################################### def isROIfileExistAll(datapath) : dataPathWithouExtension =(os.path.splitext(datapath)[0]) roiShx = dataPathWithouExtension + ".shx" roiShp = dataPathWithouExtension + ".shp" roiDbf = dataPathWithouExtension + ".dbf" roiPrj = dataPathWithouExtension + ".prj" #We start the verification of the extension listeOfRoi = [] listeOfRoi.extend((roiShx, roiShp, roiDbf, roiPrj)) for i in range(len(listeOfRoi)): filePath = listeOfRoi[i] if Path(filePath).is_file(): print("ROI file found at "+filePath) else: print("A mandatory ROI file is missing "+filePath) listeEmpty = [] return listeEmpty return listeOfRoi ###################################### ingestPrivateData(sys.argv[1])